Your first appointment with us will go something like this.
1. We go over the information on your questionnaire so that we know what medications you have been on, what allergies and sensitivities you may have, and what lifestyle choices may be influencing the condition of your skin.
2. We analyze your skin to ascertain your skin type and specific kind of acne you have. We will test different types of exfoliants to see how sensitive your skin is to specific skin care products. You will be given recommendations for your home care regimen based on this information. We give you an estimate, in our professional opinion, of how long it will take to get your acne under control.
3. We go over information you need to know about your lifestyle that could be contributing to your acne. After going over it, we give you the packet of information to take home so you can refer to it anytime.
4. We then go over your home care regimen step-by-step to make sure you thoroughly understand how to effectively use your skin care products at home.
5. We give clients the option of having an acne treatment on their first visit. When you schedule this treatment, you will get your consultation included in the price of an Acne Treatment.
6. We will call you in about a week to see how you’re doing, but we want you to call us right away if you are not sure you’re doing your routine right or the skin care products don’t feel right. Strong communication is key to getting you clear as quickly as possible. We want to hear from you.
7. We will need to see you every two weeks until you are mostly clear. Changes in your routine will be made to keep ahead of the adaptation process. Once you are mostly clear, we may see you periodically until you can stay clear with just your at home routine.